Newletter PCMI du 17 octobre 2022

1) 2023 astrochemical workshop "Connecting the hot core and hot corino phenomena II"
2) Journées de l'astrophysique Française 20-23 Juin 2023, Strasbourg

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"This work was supported by the Programme National “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) of CNRS/INSU with INC/INP co-funded by CEA and CNES."
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1) 2023 astrochemical workshop "Connecting the hot core and hot corino phenomena II"


Following the successful workshop in 2020 at the Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB), we organise the second edition of the workshop on observational astrochemistry on the 29-30 November at the LAB with the title "Connecting the hot core and hot corino phenomena II". Our aims are to share new results on the molecular composition of chemically rich star forming cores over all mass ranges, and to discuss the needs of working with large datacubes, and new data analysis methods also in connection with SKA. We plan the workshop to take place in person as long as the sanitary conditions allow.

The workshop is open for anyone interested, however, for logistical reasons we ask the participants to sign up with their proposed contribution before the 4th of November. A limited amount of funding is available for traveling, please contact us for more details ( 

Registration form to sign up for the meeting:

Preliminary program (there are still open slots for contributions):

Timea Csengeri, on behalf of the SOC/LOC (S. Bontemps, N. Brouillet, P. Gratier)

2) Journées de l'astrophysique Française 20-23 Juin 2023, Strasbourg


A vos agendas !

Le conseil de la SF2A est heureux de vous annoncer que les journées de la SF2A 2023 se tiendront du 20 au 23 juin 2023 à Strasbourg sur le campus de l’Esplanade, proche du centre historique.

Le conseil de la SF2A

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