Newletter PCMI du 20 Juin 2023

1) Fully funded PhD position in Laboratory Astrochemistry / Astrophysics available starting October 2023 at the Institute of Physics – Rennes, France.

2) Webinaire de la Subdivision de Spectroscopie Optique et Neutronique

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1) Fully funded PhD position in Laboratory Astrochemistry / Astrophysics available starting October 2023 at the Institute of Physics – Rennes, France.


Fully funded PhD position in Laboratory Astrochemistry / Astrophysics available starting October 2023 in the Molecular Physics Department of the Institute of Physics Rennes, France, under the direction of Ian Sims
A PhD position to start from October 2023 is available with the group of Ian Sims in the Molecular Physics Department of the Institute of Physics Rennes, fully funded by the Brittany Region and the ERC CRESUCHIRP project. The project is in the research area of laboratory astrophysics and astrochemistry, and more specifically seeks to address our lack of knowledge of essential molecular data to understand the latest astronomical observations made by the new generation of high (spatial and spectral) resolution telescopes such as ALMA ( and the James Webb Space Telescope ( This experimental project involves the further development of a new pulsed supersonic flow reactor to study chemical reactions and molecular energy transfer using lasers and chirped pulse microwave spectroscopy, and builds on research performed within the ERC Advanced Grant project CRESUCHIRP [1-3]. Further details on the PhD project may be found at
The position is available starting in October 2023 for a period of 3 years. Candidates should possess a Masters degree (M2) in physics or (physical) chemistry, or possibly mechanical engineering with a specialisation in instrumentation. Experience in experimental research and especially the use of lasers, spectroscopy, vacuum and gas flow techniques and high-speed electronics would be advantageous. Inquiries and applications, including a detailed CV citing grades, an accompanying letter, and the names and contact details of two or three referees, should be addressed to Prof. Ian Sims (  Review of applications will commence immediately, and will continue until a suitable applicant is identified. Further details of the overall project can be seen on the CRESUCHIRP website: 
1. B. M. Hays, D. Gupta, T. Guillaume, O. Abdelkader Khedaoui, I. R. Cooke, F. Thibault, F. Lique, and I. R. Sims, Collisional excitation of HNC by He found to be stronger than for structural isomer HCN in experiments at the low temperatures of interstellar space, Nature Chemistry 14 (2022), 811-815
2. I. R. Cooke, D. Gupta, J. P. Messinger, and I. R. Sims, Benzonitrile as a Proxy for Benzene in the Cold ISM: Low-temperature Rate Coefficients for CN + C6H6, Astrophys. J. Lett. 891 (2020), L41
3. I. R. Cooke and I. R. Sims, Experimental Studies of Gas-Phase Reactivity in Relation to Complex Organic Molecules in Star-Forming Regions, ACS Earth Space Chem. 3 (2019), 1109-1134


2) Webinaire de la Subdivision de Spectroscopie Optique et Neutronique


Chères et chers collègues,

Le prochain webinaire de la subdivision de spectroscopie optique et neutronique de la DCP portera sur “les glaces 'exotiques', du milieu interstellaire aux planètes et comètes”

Nos deux orateurs seront :
- Romain Basalgète, Institute of Solid State Physics - University of Jena : VUV and X-ray photodesorption from molecular ices in protoplanetary disks.
- Arnaud Desmedt, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires - CNRS/Université de Bordeaux : Physico-chimie des hydrates de gaz : de la Terre aux Comètes en passant par le laboratoire.
Date : 30 juin 2023 à 11h 

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