Newletter PCMI du 7 Août 2023

1) Meudon PDR code user training days (13-14 of November 2023)

2) IRAM Call for proposals Winter Semester 2023 / 2024

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1) Meudon PDR code user training days (13-14 of November 2023)


A 1.5-day training session for Meudon PDR code users will be organized at Paris Observatory on November 13th and 14th 2023. This training is geared towards new users as well as users already acquainted with the code.

The Meudon PDR code simulates the physical and chemical processes in neutral interstellar gas submitted to UV illumination (chemistry, radiative transfer, thermal processes). It can be used to interpret observations both in emission and in absorption in many galactic and extragalactic environments (diffuse gas, photo-dissociation regions in star forming regions, damped Lyman alpha systems, high cosmic rays environments such as the Galactic Center, etc.). It can be used to interpret observations in neutral gas from many instruments (JWST, IRAM-30m and NOEMA, ALMA, SOFIA, visible and UV telescopes, …) 

Preliminary program :
- Presentation of the new version of the code and its physics
- Installing and running the code
- Exploration of its results with its dedicated tools (IDAT, Chemistry Analyser) to study the physics and chemistry of neutral gas
- Presentation of ISMDB, an online data base of precomputed models, and how to use it to quickly compare models and observations

The training will be composed mainly of practical tutorials and will contain several application examples (e.g. fitting observations, exploring the impact of some physical and chemical processes, modifying its chemical and molecular data, etc.). 

Funding for travels is available if necessary.

To register, write to

2) IRAM Call for proposals Winter Semester 2023 / 2024


A new Call for Proposals for IRAM telescopes is available at our web page:
The proposal deadline is 14th September 2023.

A detailed description of the observing capabilities of the 30m telescope and the current status of the NOEMA interferometer are given in two separate documents as follows:

Proposals should be submitted through the Proposal Management System (PMS) at:





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