Newsletter PCMI du 22 Décembre 2023

Toute l'équipe de PCMI vous souhaite un joyeux solstice d'hiver et de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année !!!

1) PCMI2024 conference: website opening

2) Two Postdoc positions in France (Saclay & Grenoble) on the analysis of NIKA2 observations of nearby galaxies

Pour toute question concernant PCMI ou annonce à faire passer => (alias pour Valentine, François et Ludovic).

Phrase type de remerciement à utiliser dans les articles :
"This work was supported by the Programme National “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) of CNRS/INSU with INC/INP co-funded by CEA and CNES."
Vous pouvez également ajouter le logo de PCMI et du CNES. Site web de PCMI:


1) PCMI2024 conference: website opening


The next biennial conference of the National Program "Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium" (PCMI) will take place in Bordeaux, from October 28 to 31, 2024.

The website is now opened:

Confirmed invited speakers are:

  • Timea Csengeri (LAB, Bordeaux)
  • Isabelle Ristorcelli (IRAP, Toulouse)
  • Benoit Tabone (IAS, Paris)
  • Mathieu Bertin (MONARIS, Paris)
  • Karine Demyk (IRAP, Toulouse)
  • Marie-Aline Martin (ISM, Paris-Saclay)
  • Kevin Hickson (ISM, Bordeaux)
  • Jerome Loreau (KU Leuven, Belgique)
  • Pierre Guillard (IAP, Paris)


Submission for oral presentations and posters will open in March. The invited and contributed presentations will be held in English (slides and presentations) to allow our foreign colleagues working in France to fully participate. Information about registration fees will be updated in January.


2) Two Postdoc positions in France (Saclay & Grenoble) on the analysis of NIKA2 observations of nearby galaxies


Dear colleagues,

The French National Agency for Research (ANR) is funding the project WIDENING, with two PostDoc positions, one at CEA Saclay and one at IRAM/Grenoble, to help in the analysis of the NIKA2 observations of nearby galaxies and to lead follow-up proposals at the IRAM and other observatories.

The job description can be found at the following links:

- CEA Saclay postdoc:

- IRAM/Grenoble postdoc:

The deadline for application is February 16, 2024. Feel free to circulate this announcement.

Best regards, Frédéric Galliano and Carsten Kramer




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