Newsletter PCMI du 5 Février 2024

1) Multidisciplinary School of Astrochemistry (Registration is open)

2) "Charge exchange X-ray Universe 2024" June 17-21, 2024, Volos, Greece

3) EAS2024-S6: [1st Announcement] Symposium S6 “European Laboratory Astrophysics in the JWST era”

4) Prospective AA 2024: Enquètes aux personnels des laboratoires

5) IRAM news: Call for Proposals - Summer Semester 2024

6) Announcement of Opportunity for Membership of the NewAthena Science Study Team

Pour toute question concernant PCMI ou annonce à faire passer => (alias pour Valentine, François et Ludovic).

Phrase type de remerciement à utiliser dans les articles :
"This work was supported by the Programme National “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) of CNRS/INSU with INC/INP co-funded by CEA and CNES."
Vous pouvez également ajouter le logo de PCMI et du CNES. Site web de PCMI:


1) Multidisciplinary School of Astrochemistry (Registration is open)


“Multidisciplinaty School of Astrochemistry” is designed to help PhD students and young post-docs to become familiarized with the astrochemistry. Observations at mm and infrared wavelenghts, molecular spectroscopy, dust properties, chemical models, laboratory experiments, numerical simulations and machine learning techniques, are included in our program. Although useful for astronomers of basically all fields, the school mainly focuses on star and planet formation, in order to understand how the precursors of life came to our planet.  

For practical reasons the number of students is limited to 50. Students have the possibility to present a poster with their own work (not mandatory). At the end of the school, we will select the best own and give a symbolic poster-prize.
Registration opens on 1st of February (registration fee = 300 euros)

Registration will remain open from 1st to 29th February, 2024.


2) "Charge exchange X-ray Universe 2024" June 17-21, 2024, Volos, Greece


Charge exchange X-ray Universe 2024
June 17-21, 2024, Volos, Greece

Aims and scope of the meeting
X-ray emissions by charge exchange (collisions between very highly charged ions and neutral atoms/molecules) are ubiquitous in our Universe, from the solar system, to clusters of galaxies. XMM-Newton and Chandra have been accumulating a vast archive of CCD and grating resolution data which are being studied to understand CX emission. Building on this heritage, the SMILE (ESA/CAS) mission (to be launched in 2025) will provide valuable insight on the solar wind CX emission in the Earth’s vicinity both for the heliophysics and astrophysics communities. The advent of high-resolution X-ray microcalorimeters, with the recently launched XRISM/Resolve and future (LEM, Athena/X-IFU) X-ray missions, will yield unprecedented high-spectral resolution data and revolutionize our view of CX emission. All these rich resources, will need close collaboration between observers, modellers, theoreticians and experimenters to grasp the details of the CX mechanism, which is still relatively understudied.
Two past workshops, at ESAC in Madrid in 2010, and at IAP in Paris in 2012, paved the way for the beginning of such conversations between experts in the phenomenon of CX X-ray emission. This workshop aims to review our current understanding of the mechanism, and bring together the CX communities to build the tools and cooperations that will shape the future of CX X-ray science.

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open until May 5th, 2024, at the following link:

*Please be advised that each participant (including accompanying persons) will need to register individually. Once your registration form is complete, please proceed to the payment form:
For any questions or issues during the registration process, don’t hesitate to contact the LOC (

Abstract Submission:
You can submit your abstracts here:
Abstract submission for oral presentations will close on Sunday 31st March, and on Tuesday 30th April for poster presentations.

We welcome contributions related to charge exchange studies in the following topics:
- Observations and Modeling (Subtopics: Solar System, Supernova Remnants, Stars-stellar winds and exoplanets, X-ray Binaries, Galaxies, Galaxy Clusters & Outflows, AGN etc.)
- Theoretical calculations
- Laboratory Experiments & Data
- X-ray plasma codes and spectral fitting
- Instrumentation, current and future facilities


3) EAS2024-S6: [1st Announcement] Symposium S6 “European Laboratory Astrophysics in the JWST era”


Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the Symposium S6 
"European Laboratory Astrophysics in the JWST era"
at the European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting 2024, 
which will be held in 

*** PADOVA (ITALY) JULY 1-5, 2024 ***.

This symposium aims to foster new collaborations between experts 
in laboratory astrophysics and observational astrophysics.
With the ground-breaking data from JWST, ALMA and the
up-coming ELT, there is a strong need to establish productive links
between the relevant communities. The symposium will cover a variety of topics: Ices, Tracers of astrochemistry, Molecular spectroscopy and
reactivity, Protoplanetary discs and planets, Plasmas and dust in
extreme environments as well as PAHs and fullerenes. All interested researchers are invited to submit an abstract through
the EAS website by March 4th:
Please note that meeting is planned to be a fully hybrid and on-line 
presentations will be possible except for invited speakers.
More information can be found on the session’s webpage:
Registration fee waivers and/or grants provided 
by EAS are also available on request:

For any inquiries on the Symposium S6 please feel free to contact us.
Important dates:
- Very early bird registration deadline: *26 February 2024*
- *Abstract submission* deadline: *4 March  2024*
- Early bird registration deadline: *29 April 2024*
- Regular registration deadline: *30 June 2024*
- *Symposium S6 "European Laboratory Astrophysics 
in the JWST era": *1 - 2 July 2024*

Please distribute this information so that it reaches all the 
communities concerned and makes this symposium a success. Best regards,
The Scientific Organizing Committee
* Christine Joblin (Chair)
* Cristina Puzzarini (Co-Chair)
* Stephan Schlemmer (Co-Chair)
* Marcelino Agundez
* Nadia Balucani
* Olivier Berné
* Sandra Brünken
* Paola Caselli
* Emmanuel Dartois
* Franck Delahaye
* Jean-Hugues Filion
* Thomas Henning
* Liv Hornaeker
* Cornelia Jäger
* Friedrich Kupka
* Martin McCoustra
* Vito Mennella
* Ewine van Dishoeck
* Henning Zettergren

4) Prospective AA 2024: Enquètes aux personnels des laboratoires


Les groupes de travail de la prospective Astronomie Astrophysique 2024 interrogent tous les personnels des laboratoires du domaine au travers des cinq enquètes suivantes. 
Merci d’avance à toutes celles et ceux qui prendront le temps d’y répondre. 
Vos avis et informations sont indispensables pour alimenter leurs réflexions.
L’ensemble des informations sur la prospective AA 2024, les groupes de travail, leur mandat, leur composition, etc. sont accessibles avec un login Janus sur le lien suivant:
Un site ouvert pour la prospective AA 2024, incluant des forums par groupes de travail, est accessible sur « scienceconf »: 
Transmis par Martin Giard

5) IRAM news: Call for Proposals - Summer Semester 2024


We want to bring to your attention that a new Call for Proposals for IRAM telescopes is available at our web page:

A detailed description of the observing capabilities of the 30m telescope and the current status of the NOEMA interferometer are given in two separate documents as follows:
Proposals should be submitted through the Proposal Management System (PMS) at:

6) Announcement of Opportunity for Membership of the NewAthena Science Study Team


Dear Colleague, 

I am pleased to invite you to respond to the Announcement of Opportunity to become a member of the NewAthena Science Study Team

The Announcement of Opportunity, containing the necessary information about the NewAthena mission, the tasks of the Science Study Team,  and the information needed by proposers, can be found at:

The Announcement of Opportunity will close on  20 March 2024 at 12:00 hrs (noon) CET, with a mandatory Letter of Intent deadline of 21 February 2024 at 12:00 hrs (noon) CET. Proposals must be submitted electronically to ESA as indicated at

I would appreciate if you could circulate this Announcement to interested colleagues within your institute.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Carole Mundell


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