Newsletter PCMI du 25 Avril 2024

1) Ouverture inscriptions Ecole Evry Schatzman édition 2024: “Les disques et la formation planétaire à l’ère JWST et ELT”

2) RAMSES School For New Users -- 1st announcement

3) Reminder: Invitation to a LiteBIRD-Day meeting open to all on May 13th

Pour toute question concernant PCMI ou annonce à faire passer => (alias pour Valentine, François et Ludovic).

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"This work was supported by the Programme National “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) of CNRS/INSU with INC/INP co-funded by CEA and CNES."
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1) Ouverture inscriptions Ecole Evry Schatzman édition 2024: “Les disques et la formation planétaire à l’ère JWST et ELT”


We are pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the 2024 edition of the Evry Schatzman  School devoted to "Disks and planetary formation in the era of JWST and ELT".  EES2024 is a CNRS thematic school for continuing education open to any researcher (early stage ot experienced) wishing to learn about proto-planetary disks and planetary formation, and/or with a view to preparing observing programs on the major existing or future instruments in the discipline, notably the JWST and the first-generation ELT instruments. The school will take place from September 30 to October 4, 2024 at the CNRS biological station in Roscoff, Brittany.  

The school will be structured around 6 main courses (in English) covering:
  • Initial conditions of planetary formation in the JWST era (Gaspard Duchêne, IPAG)
  • Disk structure and evolution models (Geoffroy Lesur, IPAG)
  • Planetary formation: from pebbles to planetesimals and planets (Sean Raymond, LAB)
  • VLT/ELT and JWST synergy (Lucas Labadie, Univ. Cologne)
  • The chemical evolution of disks (Romane Le Gal, IPAG)
  • Jets and protostellar ouflows with JWST (Sylvie Cabrit, LERMA)
Theoretical lectures will be supplemented  by practical work on: 1) introduction to the use of the open source radiative transfer code MCFOST for modeling dust in protoplanetary disks, 2) introduction to the use of gas diagnostic tools for analyzing JWST spectra, 3) introduction to the JWST proposal preparation software and exposure time calculator. Registration is open from April 5, 2024 to June 24, 2024. The number of participants is limited to 40. For more information consult:


2) RAMSES School For New Users -- 1st announcement


The RAMSES SNO is pleased to announce its first RAMSES school. This school is designed to provide practical training for new users of the RAMSES code who wish to learn how to design and run simulations for their science projects. 

The school will provide a core training on basic usage of HPC environments and fundamental instruction on obtaining, compiling, and running the RAMSES code in parallel. Participants will then focus on practical applications through hands-on projects. A list of projects spanning diverse areas (dense-core collapse, forced-turbulence, idealized galaxies, and cosmological volumes) will be provided for participants to select according to their scientific interests.

Where : Lyon

When : Nov. 4 & 5

Limited Capacity : 8 participants max

Who can attend : anyone (PhD student, postdoc, staff) working in a French astrophysics institute.

Lecturers : J. Rosdahl, B. Commerçon, with the assistance of N. Brucy and J. Blaizot.

Registration deadline : Sept. 15

We have some funding available to partially cover the expenses of participants. Please contact J. Blaizot ( for inquiries.

Full information and registration :


3) Reminder: Invitation to a LiteBIRD-Day meeting open to all on May 13th


This is a reminder of the invitation to the presentation of the LiteBIRD mission, which has been selected by JAXA as a Strategic Large-Class mission to be launched in 2033. 

This day meeting will be organised on Monday 13th of May at APC, in the amphithéâtre Pierre Gilles de Gennes.
We emphasise that this meeting is open to all. 

It will be the opportunity to share with you the latest status of the LiteBIRD project, in terms of science goals, instrumental design, and international organisation.

You may find the detailed agenda of the meeting here :

In order to prepare the logistic aspects, we also ask you to register at the indico link above. 

A remote connection will be made available on the indico site as soon as possible. 



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